Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Snow, Snow, Snow

I can't recall the last time we had this much snow. I am so disappointed that we weren't able to have our holiday parties in school. These students (and me!) were so looking forward to our holiday festivities. I'm torn as to what to do come time to return to school. Do I have a party the first day back? But they always come back so rested and focused-- I'd hate to throw that off-balance and have a party. Do I just throw the party out the window? But then I feel like they are deprived of festivities that are due to them.

Decisions, decisions...
I think I have to have the party. I can't do that to them!
Party on!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Going Above and Beyond: Teaching in 2009

Boy, do I wish I had teachers like my daughter has had!! These teachers not only make school fun and exciting for my daughter, but also for me as the parent! I am extremely lucky that my daughter has had amazing teachers. These teachers have gone above and beyond in any way imaginable. What impresses me most is their willingness to welcome parents into the classroom. We are updated regularly via the classroom website, and are also invited into the classroom for different celebrations and to help out with special projects.

When I think back to my elementary school days, I never remember having any parents in! Nowadays, it's different. I think there is a bigger focus on the relationship between the student, teacher, and parent. It is more about this relationship than it ever was before, and I think that gives us a great hope for the future of education in this country. Education was never just about the teacher. It is a three-way relationship, and I think in 2009 it is more evident than ever.

This post is a part of the MAT@USC Hope for the holidays event. Did you experience or witness something in 2009 that gave you hope for the future of American eduation? If so, please see this post for more information on how share it.